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Describe - say what you see in detail.  


Analyse  - Suggesting and interpreting typically in order to explain. 


Caricature - A picture, description, or imitation of a person in which certain striking characteristics are exaggerated to be fun.


Naive - Lack of experience.


Subtle - low key not over the top. Example wearing a subtle outfit not to bring attention to yourself.


Genre - Generic Style or Category


Diegetic - Original sound 


Avant Garde - New and experimental ideas in art, music, film and literature.


Aesthetic - Aesthetically pleasing - concerned with beauty or the appreciation for beauty.


Postmodern - A style where you mix different artistic styles or genres in film and media.


Hybrid - Two things combined together for example a hybrid car is half electric and half petrol.


Iconography - Typical images of a genre. What we expect to see in a genre for example in a Western Film, we expect tumbleweeds, desert, horses, saloon bars, et cetera. These are the genre indicators, the iconography


Icon - Used to describe someone you look up to as they are the best or a god. It was originally a painting of a god or someone who u worshipped.


Intertextuality - Taking and borrowing something to use in a music art or media piece.



Meticulous - Preparing or thinking carefully. Showing attention.


Parody - Make fun of. Taking the mickey. 


Déjà vu - When you feel you have done or lived something before. In Film it is a scene that has already happened.


Ambiguous - Open to more then one interpretation.


Ambivalent - Mix feelings about something.


Anachronistic - Belonging to a period other than that being portrayed. Example world war 2 scene and someone is on a mobile phone. 


Catch 22 - A Catch 22 Situation - A bind you can't get out of an impossible situation. Bad either way.


Barbaric -  Extremely Cruel and possibly violent.


Omniscient All knowing and powerful.


Austerity - Squeezing the people income cutting everything.


(In) Coherent - (Unclear making no sense) Clear making sense. In media story have to be clear otherwise they are Incoherent. 


Their - Object possession 


There - In, at, or to that place or position.


They're - They are


Particularly - to a higher degree than is usual or average.


Eloquent - Fluent or persuasive in speaking or writing.


Articulate - Express yourself. Having or showing the ability to speak fluently and coherently.


Demonise - Portray as wicked and threatening.


Surreal - Feels like a dream (in film a poetic dreamlike production)  psychedelic.


Demographic - Group of people. Relating to the structure of population.


Cathartic - The state you are in after a film that lets all your emotions out.


Doppleganger - An apparition or double of a living person.


Linear narrative -  A Journey in a storyline for example in Little Red Riding hood from start to end you go on a journey.


Flashback - Going back to the past. In film this is shown with a slight change in look or colour.


Flash Forward - A glance into the future.


Problematic - In film a problematic is a plot and the problem that happens to make it more interesting.


Set Up - First 10 minutes of the film before something (the problem) happens.


Protagonist - Leading Character 


Antagonist - The bad guy villain of the film. 


Equilibrium - Balance in the story set up then by the end get back to the normal with the problem resolved. 


Rational - Explaining why something should be done. Why it might be a good thing to do.


Irrational - Not logical or reasonable. 


Aims - Target Aiming to do something 

Objectives - What I need to do the steps to get there. Look back all the steps to get to the Aim. 


Heterosexual - A person sexually attracted to people of the opposite sex.


Sexism - Sexism means discrimination against people because of their sex: anything unfair to males or females, just because they're males or females, is an example of sexism. 


Heterosexism - People thinking being straight is the only way to be. 


Masculinity - Qualities or attributes regarded as characteristic of men for example men are tough and strong.  


Toxic Masculinity - Men feeling they have to look or be tough and strong and feeling they cannot express emotion because a man shouldn't do that. 


Femininity - Typical things woman do. Acting girly  


Ideology - A set of beliefs you have. A system of ideas and ideals, especially one which forms the basis of economic or political theory and policy.


Codes and Conventions - What you expect to see.


Aesthetics - How we decide something is beautiful.


Stock Market - Market exchange. People buy shares of companies so they can use the money to do stuff.

















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